About I Glow 

Step into the radiant world of I-Glow, where inspiration and creativity know no bounds.

At I-Glow, our core purpose is to illuminate the glory of God by guiding women to unearth and maximize the divine treasures within them. We are dedicated to inspiring others by sharing the immeasurable love and hope found in Christ – the key to unlocking the true treasures concealed within every individual.

The name I-Glow was carefully chosen as a positive affirmation of one's identity in Christ, signifying being a bearer of God's glory. Uttering this declaration over yourself holds immense power, leaving a positive impact. When you proclaim I-Glow, you not only acknowledge but also unleash the light and treasure embedded within you.

Discover Your Radiance with I-Glow

In a world often marked by chaos and negativity, many souls bear scars from life's pressures, stifling beautiful destinies and unique gifts. Yet, in the midst of this darkness, there is an enduring hope found in Christ that no adversity can extinguish.

At I-Glow, we wholeheartedly believe in you. We affirm that God crafted you intentionally, with a purpose and a unique plan for your life. Our mission is to empower you to rise above challenges, uncover your inner treasures, and confidently step into your calling with grace. You possess something distinct that the world needs.

What I-Glow Offers:

  1. Biblically Based Inspirational Content: Our resources are grounded in biblical principles, guiding you towards dependence on the source of all greatness—the Lord God Almighty. Explore content on True Self-Discovery, Confidence, Family, Parenting, Work-Family Balance, and more.

  2. Coaching and Mentoring: Engage in personalized one-on-one or group mentoring sessions designed to support and empower ladies on their unique journeys.

  3. Handmade Fashion Accessories: Elevate your style with our meticulously designed and handcrafted fashion accessories suitable for all occasions.

At I-Glow, we are here to walk hand in hand with you on your journey of self-discovery, helping you become the confident person God ordained you to be.

To all the incredible ladies out there, remember this: There is treasure in you! Never settle for anything less than your best. You were made by Love and packaged with a glorious destiny.

Thank you for choosing to connect with us at I-Glow. Your journey to self-discovery and empowerment begins here.

My story

I am Gloria Boakye, the founder of I-Glow Inspirational and Creative. My life's journey, stemming from a modest background, instilled in me the resilience to navigate through challenging times. In my formative years, my family faced adversity, and the unwavering determination of my mother, who risked everything for our well-being, became a guiding light.

Despite the ups and downs, I discovered solace in creativity, finding joy in experimenting with colors and crafting with available fabrics. Little did I realize then that these experiences were preparing me for a hidden gift of creativity that would later become a keystone of my life.

The blessing of this challenging season was the revelation of the significance of godly relationships. Family and friends proved to be invaluable treasures, providing strength and support during difficult times. Additionally, the discovery of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior became the turning point in my life. While the visible change wasn't immediate, the hope and peace found in Christ settled my heart amidst uncertainties.

Walking with God allowed me to develop authentic confidence through a growing experiential knowledge of Him. In Christ, I found boundless life-transforming treasures, realizing that real value lies within and is not solely derived from outward appearances or possessions.

Unfortunately, many individuals seek self-worth in external factors rather than in Christ. I advocate for a shift in perspective, emphasizing that true worth is rooted in a relationship with Christ, providing an unshakable foundation regardless of external circumstances.

Life in Christ has been a liberating and empowering journey. True freedom is realized in Him alone, freeing us from entanglements and the fear of societal judgment. Being yourself in Christ means not compromising values for gain or acceptance, confidently occupying the unique place God has designated for you.

My journey is ongoing, characterized by continuous growth and development as I humbly remain at the feet of Jesus, learning and depending on His grace daily. My hope for the future, anchored in the faithfulness of Christ, is unwavering, and I trust that my expectations will not be disappointed.

As you walk faithfully with the Lord, He will guide you into your unique and fulfilling place. May you find inspiration in this journey and discover the transformative power of a life lived in Christ.

Get to Know Jesus

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and saviour, then I will like to invite you to receive Him today.

The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

No one is good enough to meet God’s standards and in this sinful state, man faces the wrath of God (Romans 3:10, Romans 6:23, Colossians 3:6)

Out of His great love for us, He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place to pay the price of our sin so that the justice of God will be satisfied.  Thus anyone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for our sins and rose again for our justification will be saved (Ephesians 2:4-5, John 3:16, Romans 10:9) 

If you believe this then please say this prayer after me:

Lord Jesus

I admit that I am a sinner. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me.

I believe that you died on the cross to save me. You did what I could not do for myself.

I come to you now and ask you to be my Lord.

From this day forward, please help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.

Thank you, Lord, for saving me.  Amen.

If you meant that prayer, then you are born again, and the Lord is now resident in your heart.  Christ is in you, and you are now a member of God’s family. Welcome home. 

Now, you will need to grow in faith so find a Bible-believing church where you will be fed with the unadulterated word of God.  You can also get in touch at iglowcreative@gmail.com if you need support finding a Bible-believing church.

God richly bless you.



Welcome To I Glow

A World of Boundless inspiration and limitless Creativity